§ 1-1002. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of this ordinance is to implement the Isle of Wight County Comprehensive Plan and promote and protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the present and future residents and businesses of the county by:


    Giving effect to policies and proposals of the Isle of Wight County Comprehensive Plan;


    Dividing the unincorporated area of the county into districts of distinct community character according to the use of land and buildings, the intensity of such use (including bulk and height), and surrounding open space;


    Preserving and enhancing the county's rural and agricultural character and resources;


    Preserving and protecting the county's natural resources and protecting the waters of the Chesapeake Bay and Blackwater River and their tributaries;


    Regulating the location and use of buildings, structures, and land for trade, industry, residences, and other uses;


    Lessening the danger and congestion of traffic on the road and highways; limiting excessive numbers of intersections, driveways, and other friction points; minimizing other hazards; and insuring the continued usefulness of all elements of the existing highway system for their planned function;


    Providing nonvehicular, multipurpose pathways in order to promote the health and safety of our citizens;


    Securing safety from fire, panic, flood, and other dangers;


    Providing adequate light and air, and protecting against the overcrowding of land and undue density of population in relation to the community facilities existing or available;


    Protecting the tax base by facilitating cost-effective development within the county;


    Promoting economy in local government expenditures;


    Protecting the values of property throughout the county;


    Protecting landowners from adverse impacts of adjoining development;


    Providing future land uses with adequate public facilities;


    Protecting against the destruction of or encroachment upon historical areas.

    Each purpose listed above serves to balance the interest of the general public of the county and those of individual property owners. (7-7-05; 7-19-18.)