§ 3-5000. Office use types.
Financial institution.\ Provision of financial and banking services to consumers or clients. Walk-in/drive-in services to consumers are generally provided on site. Typical uses include banks, savings and loan associations, saving banks, credit unions and lending establishments.
General office.\ Use of a site for business, professional, or administrative offices, excluding medical offices. Typical uses include real estate, insurance, management, travel or other business offices; organization and association offices; or law, architectural, engineering, accounting or other professional offices.
Laboratory.\ Establishment primarily engaged in performing research or testing activities into technological matters. Typical uses include engineering and environmental laboratories, medical, optical, dental and forensic laboratories, x-ray services, and pharmaceutical laboratories only involved in research and development. Excluded are any laboratories which mass produce one (1) or more products directly for the consumer market.
Medical office.\ Use of a site for facilities which provide diagnoses, minor surgical care and outpatient care on a routine basis, but which does not provide overnight care or serve as a base for an ambulance stop. Medical offices are operated by doctors, dentists, or similar practitioners licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Such uses shall not exceed ten thousand (10,000) square feet of floor area. (7-7-05; 7-19-18; 11-15-18.)