In order to further the purpose and intent of the comprehensive plan, the following
regulations shall guide the location of planned developments. A planned development
district may only be created within the boundaries of the designated development service
districts, subject to all requirements of this ordinance.
The development shall be so located and developed that it will not exceed the capacity
of the adjacent roads which serve the property, or the capacity of public sewer and
water systems in the event connections to them are proposed, or the capacity to provide
reasonable and timely response to requests for police, fire and ambulance services
unless the applicant shall dedicate right-of-way, contribute to the construction of
new facilities or create such facilities to the extent of his fair share of such as
a percentage of his land developed and so served. The rate of development shall not
exceed the rate of construction and increasing capacity of the limiting facilities.
(11-17-16; 7-19-18; 11-15-18.)