Isle of Wight County |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix B. ZONING.* |
Article IV. Zoning Districts and Boundaries. |
Part 14. Planned Development Districts. |
§ 4-14006. Regulations pertaining to all planned developments.
A planned development shall comply with the following design criteria unless otherwise approved by the board of supervisors during the approval of the master development plan, with a recommendation from the planning commission:
Dimensional and use requirements.
Residential planned development shall be in accordance with the planned development residential (PD-R) district regulations and the planned development manufactured home park (PD-MH) regulations, whichever may be applicable.
Commercial, office, public and semipublic planned development shall be in accordance with planned development commercial park (PD-CP).
Industrial planned development shall be in accordance with planned development industrial park (PD-IP).
Mixed-use planned development shall be in accordance with planned development mixed use (PD-MX).
Utilities. .....All development within all planned development districts shall be served by public utility facilities.
Street, sidewalks, street lighting and stormwater drainage.
All streets, sidewalks, street lighting, and stormwater drainage improvements shall meet the design and construction requirements of all applicable county ordinances and Virginia Department of Transportation.
Private streets may be permitted upon the approval of the board of supervisors.
Pedestrian pathways or bikeways shall be provided and may be located parallel to the street or away from the road system with considerations for safety and convenient access, and the preservation of natural features and provide visual interests.
Street lights shall generally be provided at each intersection and adequately spaced in parking lots and other public areas.
Drainage facilities for the adequate control of stormwater drainage and erosion and sedimentation shall be provided in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and the Virginia Department of Transportation Drainage Manual.
[Fire hydrants.] .....Fire hydrants shall be at locations and of types approved by the county.
[Other features.] .....Natural features and amenities, which would add value to the development or to the county as a whole, such as trees, watercourses, historical features, and similar irreplaceable assets, shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible.
[Signs.] .....Signs shall be in accordance with ordinance requirements.
Open space and recreation.
Existing trees eight (8) inches or more in diameter measured at breast height (four and one-half (4½) feet from ground level) shall be given high priority in determining the location of open space, structures, underground utilities, walks, and paved areas. Areas in which trees are preserved shall remain at original grade level and shall remain undisturbed wherever possible.
Developed open space shall be designed to provide active recreation facilities, which include such complementary improvements as are necessary and appropriate for the use, benefit, and enjoyment of the residents of the development.
Undeveloped open space shall be designed to preserve important site amenities and environmentally sensitive lands.
[Applicability.] .....Where development and/or design standards are not established by these districts or during the master plan approval process, the provisions of this ordinance shall apply, as determined by the zoning administrator.
Variations to design criteria.
Exceptions to the design criteria as outlined above under subsection A. may be granted by board of supervisors following a recommendation from the planning commission provided that:
Such exception shall be solely for the purpose of promoting an integrated plan no less beneficial to the residents or occupants of the development, as well as neighboring property, than would be obtained under the applicable regulation.
The uniqueness of the proposal requires that geometric design of streets, sidewalks and street lights be modified in the interest of the inhabitants and are not inconsistent with the interests of the county as a whole.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the planning commission and the board of supervisors with respect to any requested waiver or modification:
That the waiver or modification will result in design and construction that is in accordance with accepted engineering standards;
That the waiver or modification is reasonable because of the high level of design and construction that will be incorporated in the planned development;
That any waiver or modification to street geometry is reasonable with respect to the generation of vehicular traffic that is estimated to occur within the area of the master development plan;
That any waiver or modification as to sidewalks required for collector streets or larger commercial areas, industrial areas and residential areas where densities exceed ten (10) dwelling units per acre be justified on the basis of anticipated pedestrian traffic or because other provisions are made for pedestrian traffic and that all sidewalks or pedestrian ways not within the public rights-of-way are maintained by the property owners' association;
That traffic lanes of streets are sufficiently wide to carry the anticipated volume and speed of traffic;
That the developer shall make provisions to have all streets, sidewalks and stormwater drainage modifications approved in advance by the Virginia Department of Transportation; and
That the developer shall have provisions approved in advance by the director of public works for the maintenance of decorative street lights which are more expensive to maintain than county standard streetlights.
Use exceptions.
In the case of planned developments, the planning commission may recommend and board of supervisors may authorize, specific uses not permitted in the district, provided such uses do not occupy more than thirty percent (30%) of the gross acreage of the total project and that the board of supervisors consider the following in making their determination:
That the uses permitted by such exception are necessary or desirable and are appropriate with respect to the primary purpose of the development.
That the uses permitted by such exception are not of such a nature or located so as to exercise a detrimental influence on the surrounding neighborhood.
Conditional uses may be considered and granted as part of the approved master development plan.
[Development standards and architectural guidelines.] .....Development standards and architectural guidelines in a master development plan approved by the board of supervisors that are designated as controlling over standards and guidelines for the highway corridor overlay (HCO) district or the Newport development service overlay (NDSO) district specifically identified as conflicting by the applicant, shall be effective with respect to the related planned development. Standards and guidelines for the HCO district or the NDSO district that are not specifically identified as conflicting and supplanted in the approved master development plan shall be effective with respect to the planned development. (11-17-16; 7-19-18; 11-15-18.)