Isle of Wight County |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix B. ZONING.* |
Article IV. Zoning Districts and Boundaries. |
Part 19. Planned Development Industrial Park (PD-IP) District. |
§ 4-19002. Permitted uses.
The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards which are listed in section 5-5000, supplementary use regulations, for those specific uses.
Agricultural uses:
Agricultural farm equipment sales and service
Agricultural farm product processing, warehousing and distribution service
Agricultural feed, seed, and farm supply service
Agricultural service/agent
* Forestry operation, silvicultural and/or timbering
Greenhouse, commercial and/or nursery
• Not in conjunction with residence
* Livestock auction market
Civic uses:
Administrative service
* Adult care center
Park and ride facility
Public sports/event facility
* Public maintenance and service facility
Public safety service
Transit station
* Utility service/major
* Utility service/minor
Office uses:
Commercial uses:
Auction establishment
Boating and fishing facilities
Business support service
Business or trade school
* Commercial indoor sports and recreation
* Construction office, temporary
Construction sales and service
* Contractor office and storage facility
* Convenience store
Equipment sales and rental
* Garden center
Lawn and garden services
* Marina
* Micro-brewery, distillery, cidery
* Mini-warehouse
Motor vehicle/outdoor storage
* Motor vehicle parts/supply, retail
* Motor vehicle/rental
* Motor vehicle repair service/major
* Motor vehicle repair service/minor
Personal improvement service
Personal service
* Restaurant, drive-in fast food
Restaurant, general
Tattoo parlor
Truck stop
Wholesale sales
Industrial uses:
Brewery, distillery, cidery
* Construction yard
Custom manufacturing
Industry, Type I
Industry, Type II
Meat packing
* Recycling center
Refuse and recycling center
* Shipping container
Transfer station
Warehousing and distribution
Miscellaneous uses:
* Amateur radio tower
Parking facility, surface/structure
(11-17-16; 7-19-18; 11-15-18.)
(11-17-16; 7-19-18; 11-15-18.)