Isle of Wight County |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix B. ZONING.* |
Article IV. Zoning Districts and Boundaries. |
Part 3. Rural Residential (RR) District. |
§ 4-3004. Sliding scale development in the rural residential (RR) district.
Under the sliding scale development provision, a tract of land twenty (20) acres in size may be allowed one (1) division. One (1) additional lot or dwelling unit will be permitted for every additional forty (40) acres encompassed by the overall tract. For example, a one-hundred-acre tract will yield four (4) lots. Minimum permissible lot sizes shall be encouraged so as not to allow subdivision development which is land consumptive; however, each lot must meet the minimum lot requirements for the rural residential (RR) district.
In addition to the base density permitted above, the following standards shall be met:
The maximum lot size for any new lot created shall be ten (10) acres, unless otherwise approved by the board of supervisors or required by the county health department.
Lots shall be located to maximize continued use of the residual parcel for agricultural and silvicultural purposes.
Unless otherwise approved by the board of supervisors, the first two (2) lots shall be located on private shared driveways that serve no more than two (2) residences, with no frontage on the public road.
In determining the overall tract size provision, staff shall base the number of lots permitted on the following, listed in order from least to most binding:
On the parcel shown on the latest county tax maps with the acreage indicated in the real estate records of the commissioner of revenue's office, excluding street or road rights-of-way.
On documents of record in the office of the clerk of the court, which shall take precedent over the tax map information.
On a new or modern survey of the property by a licensed surveyor. (11-17-16; 7-19-18; 11-15-18.)