§ 4-16001. General description.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The intent of the planned development manufactured home park district is to provide for planned manufactured home residential developments including related recreational and service facilities.


    It is further the purpose to provide sites for such developments at appropriate locations within Isle of Wight County in relation to the existing and potential development of the surrounding areas. These sites will be compatible with other uses and community facilities in such a manner as to afford a proper setting for such developments consistent with the objectives and recommendations of the comprehensive plan.


    It is the intent of the planned development manufactured home park district to provide the maximum amount of freedom possible in the design of manufactured home developments and the grouping and layout of manufactured homes within such developments; to provide the amenities normally associated with planned residential areas; to require the development of well-planned associated facilities and services linking residential and recreational facilities; to encourage site development plans which will maximize compatibility between manufactured home developments and the development on adjoining land; and, to permit freedom in type of ownership within manufactured home developments.


    In order to assist in achieving the flexibility of design needed for the implementation of these purposes, a master development plan is required to be submitted as a part of the rezoning application for a planned development manufactured home park district in accordance with section 4-14000, planned development districts. If the rezoning is granted, a detailed site plan must be submitted and approved prior to the issuance of a zoning and land disturbing permit. The site plan must comply with all of the specific and general requirements contained herein. (11-17-16; 7-19-18; 11-15-18.)