§ 9-1003. Permits required.
Generally. .....Except as otherwise provided in section 9-1004, a sign permit is required prior to the display of any sign and no sign greater than one (1) square foot in area may be constructed, erected, moved, enlarged, illuminated or substantially altered, except in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and in accordance with zoning and building permits.
Application process. .....Applications for sign permits shall be submitted to the department of planning and zoning on forms furnished by the department. The applicant shall provide detailed renderings, including colors, sizes, lighting and location for all signs to determine if the proposed sign is permitted under this ordinance and other applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances. An application for a temporary sign shall state the dates intended for the erection and removal of the sign.
Permit fee. .....A nonrefundable fee, as set forth in the uniform fee schedule adopted by the board of supervisors, as it may be amended from time to time, shall accompany all sign permit applications.
Duration and revocation of permit. .....If a sign is not installed within six (6) months following the issuance of a sign permit (or within thirty (30) days in the case of a temporary sign permit), the permit shall be void. The permit for a temporary sign shall state its duration, not to exceed thirty (30) days unless another time is provided for in the this ordinance. The county reserves the right to revoke a sign permit under any of the following circumstances:
The county determines that information in the application was materially false or misleading;
The sign as installed does not conform to the sign permit application; or
The sign violates the zoning ordinance, building code, or other applicable law, regulation or ordinance.
Overlay district regulations. .....All signs in the historic overlay districts require approval of the historic architectural review committee (HARC) except as otherwise set forth in section 6-3006 and when a sign permit is not required as provided in section 9-1004. (3-14-18.)