§ 9-1006. Permitted signs.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Temporary signs. .....Each nonresidential or nonagricultural establishment shall be allowed the following temporary signage.


    Feather sign(s), up to two (2) feather signs, with or without advertising, up to thirty-two (32) square feet in size, subject to the following criteria:


    Each feather sign(s) may be placed for a period of no more than thirty (30) days, and no additional feather sign(s) shall be placed for a period of thirty (30) days from removal of the previous feather sign(s).


    All feather sign(s) shall be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from the right-of-way, outside any sight triangle, and shall not impair the visibility of any traffic control sign.


    Temporary sign(s), one (1) temporary sign, up to thirty-two (32) square feet in size, subject to the following criteria:


    A temporary sign may be placed for a period of no more than thirty (30) days, and no additional temporary sign shall be placed for a period of thirty (30) days from removal of the previous temporary sign.


    All temporary signs shall be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from the right-of-way, outside any sight triangle, and shall not impair the visibility of any traffic control sign.


    No temporary sign shall be hung between or from a freestanding sign, site lighting, trees, utility poles, or the like.


    Banners, allowed one (1) banner, up to twenty-four (24) square feet in size, subject to the following criteria:


    A banner may be placed for a period of no more than thirty (30) days.


    Each unit placing a banner shall not place another banner for a period of thirty (30) days from removal of a previously placed banner.


    A banner shall be displayed by being securely affixed to a building wall, window, or permanent structure.


    No banner shall be hung between a freestanding sign, site lighting, trees, utility poles, or the like.


    On any property with a shopping center as defined in article II, the following additional criteria shall apply:


    Additional criteria.


    The number of signs shall be based on the building size of the shopping center as follows:


    Twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet or less - Three (3) temporary signs with a minimum of twenty (20) feet of separation between signs.


    Twenty-five thousand and one (25,001) to fifty thousand (50,000) square feet - Four (4) temporary signs with a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet of separation between signs.


    Fifty thousand and one (50,001) to one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet - Five (5) temporary signs with a minimum of thirty (30) feet of separation between signs.


    One hundred thousand (100,000) square feet and above - Six (6) temporary signs with a minimum of thirty-five (35) feet of separation between signs.


    Any feather signs, temporary signs, or banners found to be in violation of the requirements of this section shall result in the following penalties:


    Immediate removal of the violating sign by the county.


    Loss of privileges to display feather signs, temporary signs, or banners for a period of four (4) months for a first violation, six (6) months for a second violation, and one (1) year for any subsequent violations.


    Wall signs. .....Each nonresidential establishment, except for planned developments, home occupations, and shopping centers, regulated separately, shall be allowed to erect one (1) or more wall signs so long as such signs shall be limited to not more than ten (10) percent of the area of the wall with road frontage on a public street or highway, or two hundred (200) square feet, whichever is less, and shall meet the following standards:


    All signage on an individual parcel shall utilize a coordinated and cohesive design for all lettering and logos, colors, sizes, fonts, and images.


    In the village center district, nonresidential establishments shall be limited to a total of one (1) wall sign, limited to not more than five (5) percent of the area of wall fronting or facing a public street or highway or sixteen (16) square feet, whichever is less.


    In the case of mixed-use buildings which are not shopping centers, each building shall be allowed a total of one (1) wall sign attached to an exterior wall. Such sign shall be limited to not more than ten (10) percent of the area of the wall it is attached to or forty (40) square feet, whichever is less.


    Each establishment or, in the case of mixed use buildings which are not shopping centers, each building is allowed one (1) projecting sign in lieu of one (1) wall sign, which meets the following standards:


    Each projecting sign shall be limited to not more than ten (10) percent of the area of the wall fronting or facing a public street or highway, or forty (40) square feet in size, whichever is less.


    Nonresidential establishments in the village center district shall be limited to six (6) square feet in size, or less.


    All projecting signs shall be mounted such that the bottom of the sign is a minimum of eight (8) feet above grade.


    No projecting sign shall extend more than forty-eight (48) inches from the building or structure it is attached to.


    Canopy or awning signs shall be allowed in addition to the one (1) wall sign or one (1) projecting sign, provided that the total sign square footage for the nonresidential establishment does not exceed the maximum allowed by this section. The area of canopy or awning signs shall be calculated as specified in section 9-1007.


    Canopies or awnings used for building accents over doors, windows, etc. shall not be internally lit (i.e., from underneath or behind the canopy or awning). Canopies or awnings containing lighting fixtures that illuminate only items below the canopy or awning, but not the canopy or awning itself, shall be permitted.


    Freestanding signs. .....Each nonresidential establishment, except for planned developments, home occupations, and shopping centers, regulated separately, shall be allowed a total of one (1) freestanding sign per lot or parcel which must meet one (1) of the design options below.


    Design options.


    One (1) freestanding sign, limited to no more than sixteen (16) square feet in size and a maximum of six (6) feet in height, and meeting the following setbacks:


    Where the right-of-way is greater than or equal to fifty (50) feet, the minimum setback is five (5) feet from the edge of the right-of-way.


    Where the right-of-way is less than fifty (50) feet, the minimum setback is thirty (30) feet from the centerline of the road.


    One (1) freestanding sign, limited to no more than thirty-two (32) square feet in size and a maximum of six (6) feet in height, and meeting the following setbacks:


    Where the right-of-way is greater than or equal to fifty (50) feet, the minimum setback is fifteen (15) feet from the edge of the right-of-way.


    Where the right-of-way is less than fifty (50) feet, the minimum setback is forty (40) feet from the edge of the centerline of the road.


    One (1) freestanding sign, limited to no more than fifty (50) square feet in size and a maximum of eight (8) feet in height, and meeting the following setbacks:


    Where the right-of-way is greater than or equal to fifty (50) feet, the minimum setback is thirty-five (35) feet from the edge of the right-of-way.


    Where the right-of-way is less than fifty (50) feet, the minimum setback is sixty (60) feet from the centerline of the road.


    Freestanding signs for establishments located in the HCO or the NDSO districts shall meet the following additional construction standards:


    Establishments with a building area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less may construct either a monument-type sign as specified in subsection 9-1006.C or a double-post sign as specified in subsection 9-1006.C.


    Establishments with a building area greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall construct a monument- type sign as specified in subsection 9-1006.C.


    Construction standards for freestanding signs.


    The street address number must be displayed on all permanent freestanding signs in accordance with the following criteria:


    Numbers used to display the street address shall meet the minimum height requirements specified in section 14.1-15 of the Isle of Wight County Code.


    Street address numbers shall be visible from each direction of traffic flow along the street to which the property is addressed.


    Street address numbers shall be excluded from sign area computation.


    All freestanding signs, shall comply with the following standards:


    Monument-type signs.


    The width of the base of the sign shall be equal to or greater than the width of the sign face.


    The height of the base of the sign shall be less than or equal to the height of the sign face.


    The total height of the sign, including the base, shall be less than the width of the base.


    Sign shall be masonry, wood, high density urethane (HDU), or composite panel made from natural and recycled materials which are designed to simulate wood.


    Materials, colors, and shapes of proposed signs shall be compatible with the related building(s) located on the site and signs and buildings on adjacent and nearby properties.


    Shrubs, flowers, or other landscaping materials which do not obscure the sign face shall be incorporated into the sign installation area.


    Signs shall be sufficiently visible from street rights-of-way so that the site entrances can be readily identified by both pedestrians and persons in vehicles.


    Color schemes shall be subtle and the majority of the sign structure shall be limited to earth tones or historic palettes which have been specifically identified for the area.


    All signage on an individual parcel shall utilize a coordinated and cohesive design for all lettering and logos, colors, sizes, fonts, and images and shall all be constructed utilizing the same materials.


    Double-post signs.


    The sign structure shall consist of two (2) mounting posts, set at least seventy-five (75) percent of the total sign length apart.


    Mounting posts shall be a minimum size of four-inch by four-inch or five-inch diameter.


    Total sign structure height shall not exceed six (6) feet.


    Sign shall be wood, high density urethane (HDU), or composite panel made from natural and recycled materials which are designed to simulate wood.


    Materials, colors, and shapes of proposed signs shall be compatible with the related building(s) located on the site and signs and buildings on adjacent and nearby properties.


    Sign face shall be a minimum of one and one-half (1½) inches thick.


    Shrubs, flowers, or other landscaping materials which do not obscure the sign face shall be incorporated into the sign installation area.


    Signs shall be sufficiently visible from street rights-of-way so that the site entrances can be readily identified by both pedestrians and persons in vehicles.


    Color schemes shall be subtle and the majority of the sign structure shall be limited to earth tones or historic palettes which have been specifically identified for the area.


    All signage on an individual parcel shall utilize a coordinated and cohesive design for all lettering and logos, colors, sizes, fonts, and images and shall all be constructed utilizing the same materials.


    Single-post signs.


    Single-post signs may be utilized in RAC, RR, and VC districts, or for historical markers in any district.


    Sign structure shall be a single, vertical mounting pole.


    Sign face shall not be attached directly to the vertical mounting pole and shall utilize a mounting arm attached perpendicular to the vertical mounting pole.


    Signs shall not exceed eight (8) feet in height.


    Sign area shall not exceed four (4) square feet.


    Signs shall be sufficiently visible from street rights-of-way so that the site entrances can be readily identified by both pedestrians and persons in vehicles.


    Color schemes shall be subtle and the majority of the sign structure shall be limited to earth tones or historic palettes which have been specifically identified for the area.


    All signage on an individual parcel shall utilize a coordinated and cohesive design for all lettering and logos, colors, sizes, fonts, and images and shall all be constructed utilizing the same materials.


    Planned developments.


    Planned developments shall meet the standards and guidelines of section 9-1006 unless a master signage plan is submitted and approved by the board of supervisors as part of the master development plan specific to the project. A master signage plan submittal shall include the following information:


    A site layout which identifies all freestanding signage locations, including any directional signage. This layout shall include proposed dimensions to the right-of-way and property lines, and the proposed square footage of signage including proposed height and width dimension allowances.


    Proposed building elevations which identify all facade signage locations. These elevations shall include the proposed square footage of signage including proposed height, width, and area dimension allowances. If proposed elevations are not available the proposed square footage of signage including proposed height, width, and area dimension allowances on a per unit or per building basis shall be specified.


    Information on the proposed permitted colors, materials, lighting, landscaping, and any other information the zoning administrator or his/her designee may deem necessary for all signage.


    In the case of a master signage plan for the parcel(s), changes which do not have a significant impact on the architectural character or overall quality of the development may be approved by the zoning administrator as a minor modification. Minor modifications may include, but are not limited to:


    Increase in the total allowable sign square footage for each parcel by less than ten (10) percent.


    Changes to the sign design standards such as allowing additional colors, construction materials, or mounting fixture styles.


    In the case of a master signage plan for the parcel(s), changes which are deemed by the zoning administrator to have a significant impact on the architectural character or overall quality of the development shall be considered a major modification, requiring approval of a master plan amendment by the planning commission and board of supervisors.


    Home occupations.


    Home occupations are allowed one (1) freestanding sign per parcel, limited to no more than four (4) square feet in size and four (4) feet in height and meeting the following setbacks:


    Where the right-of-way is greater than or equal to fifty (50) feet, the minimum setback is five (5) feet from the edge of right-of-way.


    Where the right-of-way is less than fifty (50) feet, the minimum setback is thirty (30) feet from the centerline of the road.


    Home occupation signs shall not be illuminated.


    Shopping centers.


    All signage within or related to the shopping center shall utilize a coordinated and cohesive design for all lettering and logo colors, sizes, fonts, and images, and freestanding signage shall all be constructed utilizing the same materials.


    Individual establishments within a shopping center shall each be allowed one (1) facade identification sign which does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the area of the wall frontage dedicated to that establishment.


    In lieu of a facade identification sign, individual establishments within a shopping center shall each be allowed one (1) projecting sign which does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the area of the wall frontage dedicated to that establishment or twelve (12) square feet, whichever is less.


    Projecting signs utilized in the village center district shall be limited to six (6) square feet in size.


    All projecting signs shall be mounted such that the bottom of the sign is at least eight (8) feet above grade.


    Shopping centers shall be allowed one (1) freestanding identification sign per public road frontage, each limited to no more than fifty (50) square feet in size and eight (8) feet in height and meeting the following setbacks:


    Where the right-of-way is greater than or equal to fifty (50) feet, the minimum setback is thirty-five (35) feet from the edge of right-of-way.


    Where the right-of-way is less than fifty (50) feet, the minimum setback is sixty (60) feet from the centerline of the road.


    Freestanding signs for shopping centers shall meet the construction standards as specified in subsection 9-1006.C.


    Freestanding signs for shopping centers which include more than one (1) name or logo on the sign face shall utilize a coordinated and cohesive design for all lettering and logos, colors, sizes, fonts, and images installed on the sign.


    Out parcels platted as part of a shopping center shall be allowed one (1) facade sign per establishment, not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the area of the wall facing a public street. In addition, out parcels platted as part of a shopping center shall be allowed one (1) individual freestanding sign as specified in this article.


    Individual establishments which are located on the same parcel but which are not part of a platted shopping center shall be permitted one (1) combined freestanding sign which meets the design options and construction standards of subsection 9-1006.C.


    Directional signage.


    Civic, office, commercial, and industrial use types, as defined in article III, shall be allowed one (1) freestanding directional sign per building entrance, not to exceed four (4) signs per parcel. Directional signage which is exempt per section 9-1004 shall not be included in the total number of signs calculation.


    Directional signage shall meet the construction and design standards in subsection 9-1006.C. for all freestanding signs, unless exempt per section 9-1004.


    The area of directional signs over four (4) square feet in size shall be calculated as specified in section 9-1007.


    Residential uses.


    Residential subdivisions, multifamily developments, and mobile home parks shall be allowed one (1) freestanding identification sign per public entrance, meeting the setback and design standards of subsection 9-1006.C.


    Electronic message board signs.


    Only one (1) message board per premises is permitted. Such boards shall be permitted only when incorporated with a permitted freestanding sign and shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of a permitted individual freestanding sign area.


    The rate of change for the electronic message shall be no less than thirty (30) seconds between changes.


    Window signs.


    A permanent window sign, individually or collectively, shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) square feet.


    The area of window signs shall be deducted from the allowable wall sign area, as specified in subsection 9-1006.B.


    Wayside stands.


    Wayside stands shall be allowed one (1) freestanding sign or one (1) facade sign, attached to the wayside stand, no larger than four (4) square feet in size and a maximum of twelve (12) feet in height. (3-14-18; 2-21-19; 7-18-19.)