§ 5-5005. Supplementary use regulations for commercial use types.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Adult entertainment establishment. .....An adult entertainment establishment shall be permitted where the zoning district(s) regulation(s) identify(s) such uses subject to the following standards:


    No such regulated use shall be permitted:


    Within two thousand five hundred feet (2,500) of any other existing adult entertainment establishment; and


    Within two thousand five hundred feet (2,500) of any residential zoning district, planned development residential district;


    Within two thousand five hundred feet (2,500) of any of the following uses:


    Child care institution, child care center, place of religious assembly, or establishment that sells religious articles or religious apparel;


    Primary or secondary educational facility, and their adjunct play areas; and


    Community recreation, public parks and recreational areas, or cultural services.


    The distance for the written notice to adjoining property owners as set forth in section 1-1021 of this ordinance shall be extended to one thousand feet (1,000) for the purposes of this use.

    The separation and distances specified in this subsection shall be measured from property lines, or in the case of zoning districts, from the outward boundary of that district.


    Signs and other visible messages. Adult entertainment establishments shall be permitted to have signs and visible messages based on the allowable sign area of the zoning district in which they are located, provided:




    Sign messages shall be limited to verbal description of material or services available on the premises.


    Sign messages may not include any graphic or pictorial depiction of material or services available on the premises.


    Other visible messages.


    Messages which are visible or intended to be visible from outside the property (such as on or within doors or windows) shall not display materials, items, publications, pictures, films, or printed material available on the premises; or pictures, films, or live presentations of persons performing or services offered on the premises.


    Discontinuance of operation. Should a use defined as an adult entertainment establishment cease or discontinue operation for a period of ninety (90) or more consecutive days, it may not resume, nor be replaced by any other adult entertainment establishment unless it complies with the requirements set forth above.


    Bed and breakfast. .....Bed and breakfasts shall comply with the following standards:


    Maximum number of guest bedrooms: Five (5);


    Maximum number of guests at any one (1) time: Fifteen (15);


    No paying guest shall stay on any one (1) visit for more than fourteen (14) consecutive nights;


    One (1) off-street parking s pace for each guest bedroom shall be provided in a side or rear yard;


    Meal service is limited to one (1) daily meal between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. per paying overnight guest and is subject to approval by the Isle of Wight County Health Department for food preparation; and


    At least one (1) operator of the bed and breakfast shall reside on the premises or on an adjacent premises.


    Campground. .....All campground shall meet the following requirements:


    Campground area.


    Minimum lot area: Ten (10) acres.


    Minimum lot frontage: One hundred fifty (150) feet abutting a public highway, road, or other public right-of-way, unless otherwise approved by the board of supervisors.


    Camping site density.


    The density of campsites in a campground shall not exceed an average of fifteen (15) campsites per acre of the developed portion of the campground, inclusive of service roads, toilet facilities, and service buildings.


    The camping site shall either provide a parking space for one (1) motor vehicle that will not interfere with the convenient and safe movement of traffic, or provide equivalent parking of one (1) parking space per camping site in a central area.




    Minimum setback of all camping sites or pads from:


    Adjacent property lines and public or street rights-of-way: One hundred (100) feet.


    Any residence of adjacent property owners: Three hundred (300) feet.


    All interior roads and from each other: Twenty (20) feet.




    Interior roads shall be constructed of a minimum of six (6) inches of gravel and be twenty (20) feet wide, except that one-way roads may have a minimum width of ten (10) feet.


    Campgrounds shall be provided with safe and convenient vehicular access from abutting public streets or roads.


    Connections of campgrounds with public streets or roads shall conform to the applicable design standards as required by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).


    Water and sewer. .....Each campsite shall have an available water supply and sewage disposal facilities as may be required by the appropriate state and county agencies. Whenever public water and/or sewer systems are available, such systems shall be used.


    Service buildings. Each campground shall provide conveniently located service building(s) which shall contain the following minimum equipment for each twenty (20) campsites within the campground:


    One (1) lavatory; and


    One (1) shower with hot and cold running water for males; and


    One (1) of each for females.

    Such equipment shall be in accordance with county and state codes. All portions of the structure shall be properly protected from damage by ordinary uses and by decay, corrosion, termites, and other destructive elements. Exterior portions shall be of such material and be so constructed and protected as to prevent entrance or penetration of moisture and weather.


    Recreation area. .....A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the total campground shall be reserved for open space and developed recreational area and shall not include any land required for individual campsites, roads or service area.


    Fire protection. .....Each campground shall provide such fire protection equipment as may be recommended by the local fire department. During installation of electrical service facilities for the campground, the department of inspections shall inspect and approve the installed electrical systems. A certificate of approval shall be displayed in the electrical service equipment area and a copy shall be provided to the zoning administrator. Additional regulations required to ensure the campground is protected from fire:


    Campgrounds shall be kept free of litter, rubbish, and other flammable materials.


    Portable fire extinguishers rated for class A, B, and C shall be kept in service buildings and at other locations conveniently and readily accessible for use by all occupants and shall be maintained in good operating condition. Their capacity shall not be less than required by applicable codes.


    Fires shall be made only in stoves, incinerators, and other equipment intended for such purposes.


    Site plan. .....A site plan shall be submitted for all campgrounds.


    Time restrictions. .....No recreational vehicle or camping trailer shall be used as a permanent residence and no individual unit shall be continually occupied in any location for a period of more than sixty (60) days within the period of one (1) year from the date it was first brought into the community.


    Special conditions. .....Campgrounds shall follow the regulations set forth m section 1-1017 for conditional uses.


    Campground, workforce.


    Intent: .....The workforce campground, in contrast to a recreational campground, is to provide small scaled facilities in discrete rural areas of the county to accommodate the workforce associated with the Surry Nuclear Power Plant and similar facilities during outages, which require skilled and semi-skilled labor to seek temporary short term housing in the community.


    General standards:


    Minimum lot size: Five (5) acres.


    The maximum number of campsites shall be ten (10) sites.


    No campsite shall be located within two hundred (200) feet of single-family residence located on an adjoining property, other than the residence of the owner/operator of the campground.


    Health department approval shall be obtained for the campground and sewage disposal system. Any form of sewage disposal may be approved by the health, unless otherwise specifically addressed by this ordinance, provided there is no assumption of liability on Isle of Wight County without the express approval of the board of supervisors.


    Access to campsites shall be provided by a ten-foot all weather road suitable for volume and characteristics of the vehicles typical of a campground.


    The property on which the workforce campground is located shall have direct access to a public road, or if a private road is used for access, all of the property owners having access rights to the private road shall provide a written authorization for the use of the private road for a workforce campground.


    The maximum length of continuous occupancy in the same campground shall be no more than one hundred twenty (120) days. The zoning administrator has the authority to extend occupancy in the campground as necessary consistent with outage operations. Maximum occupancy shall not be circumvented by removal of units for brief periods of time, as is determined by the zoning administrator.


    The location of the campgrounds, the condition of the site and the nature of surrounding land uses shall be such that loss of farmland and adverse impact on surrounding property will be minimal. In general, a wooded site or partially wooded site is to be preferred to an open site in order to preserve farmland, reduce visual impact on development and provide an attractive environment within the campground.


    The overall design shall evidence a reasonable effort to preserve the natural amenities of the site, including wooded areas, steep slopes, bluffs, wetlands, beaches, and bodies of water. Special emphasis shall be given to preservation of mature trees and landscaping of areas which must be cleared.


    The conditional use permit, if approved, shall initially be issued for a period not to exceed five (5) years. Renewal of the permit shall be obtained prior to the expiration of the initial five (5) years, after which a permit may be issued for a period of not more than ten (10) years.


    Commercial equipment repair, accessory to dwelling.


    The operation and use shall not occupy a building larger than two thousand (2,000) square feet.


    Outdoor storage shall be prohibited.


    Commercial indoor sports and recreation.


    Where an indoor shooting range is proposed, the following additional criteria shall apply:


    The application shall be referred to the county sheriff's office for review and comment. Such use shall be designed to eliminate all danger from flying projectiles, as deemed necessary by the county sheriff.


    The building and site shall be designed to eliminate any excessive noise, above what would be customary and typical for the location without an indoor shooting range.


    Commercial outdoor entertainment/sports and recreation.


    The following shall apply to all such uses:


    All principal buildings and structures and all intensively active areas associated with this use shall comply with the height, coverage, and setback regulations for the district in which they are located.


    The provision of food, refreshments, and entertainment as an accessory use to the principal use shall be permitted, provided such activity shall not create additional demand on on-site facilities, including parking, access, utilities, etc.


    All outdoor lighting shall be located, shielded, landscaped, or otherwise buffered so that no direct light shall constitute an intrusion into any residential area.


    Commercial outdoor swimming pool and tennis facility. .....Commercial swimming pools or tennis facilities, including accessory buildings, may be allowed when consistent with zoning district regulations upon a finding by the board of supervisors with a recommendation from the planning commission that such a use will not create excessive traffic, noise, or physical activity, provided that the following minimum area, frontage, and setback requirements shall be complied with:


    Minimum area is five (5) acres;


    Minimum frontage of two hundred (200) feet on a public road;


    Swimming pools, tennis courts, recreation areas, and buildings shall be at least two hundred (200) feet from any adjacent residential zone;


    Setbacks for swimming pools and tennis facilities shall be fifty (50) feet from the front property line, thirty-five (35) feet from the rear line, and twenty-five (25) feet from each side property line in all zones; and


    Where a community recreation facility is proposed to be converted to this use, the planning commission and board of supervisors may vary the area and setback requirements above, provided that alternative methods of protecting adjoining properties are required as conditions of the conditional use permit.


    Construction office, temporary.


    Temporary construction offices, including trailers, may be used on construction sites provided that such structures shall be removed from the subject property within thirty (30) days of:


    The superintendent of inspections issuing a certificate of occupancy for building construction;


    For a residential subdivision, upon completion of infrastructure and site improvements; or


    The expiration of the building or zoning permit, whichever was last issued, for the property.

    Upon written request, the zoning administrator may grant a reasonable extension of time based on extenuating circumstances related to the character and complexity of the construction project.


    Contractor office and storage facility. .....All materials stored on the property shall be placed either indoors or in a storage yard. The storage yard shall be fully screened from public view and shall be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from any adjoining residential di strict, in addition to meeting the landscaping zone requirements of article VIII.


    Convenience store.


    The following standards shall apply to all convenience stores:


    When gasoline is sold, all requirements for a gasoline station shall be met as set forth in subsection 5-5005.O., the supplementary use standards for a gasoline station.


    The outdoor display of goods for sale shall be prohibited.


    Crematorium. .....A crematorium may be permitted where indicated in the zoning district(s) regulation(s).


    Any crematorium shall be located at least two hundred (200) feet from any residential lot line.


    The proposed location is compatible with adjacent land uses, existing or proposed highways, and other elements or factors deemed to affect the public health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of such district.


    Flea market.


    The following shall apply to all flea markets:


    All areas designated and used for the display and/or sale of merchandise shall be shown on a site plan approved by the county. All such areas shall be under a roof or in permanently designated areas. Use of any area not shown for such use on the approved site plan, including parking areas for incidental sales, shall constitute a violation of this ordinance.


    All outdoor areas used for the display and/or sale of merchandise shall be located seventy (70) feet from any street. Merchandise shall be removed from outdoor display areas on a daily basis, including any temporary structures used in the display or sale of the merchandise.


    Regular refuse disposal shall be required and the property shall be kept free of litter, rubbish, and all other materials.


    Any tractor trailers, shipping containers, storage buildings, and similar facilities or structures are prohibited.


    Flea markets shall not be approved where their location would contribute to the depreciation of the business district or disrupt the stability of the business district.


    Funeral home (as a conditional use).


    The use of a tract or parcel of land or buildings for a funeral home may be allowed when identified in the zoning district(s) regulation(s) as a conditional use upon a finding by the board of supervisors with a recommendation by the planning commission that:


    The use will not create excessive noise, traffic, or type of a physical activity.


    Special conditions, such as provisions for additional fencing or planting or other landscaping, additional setback from property lines, location, arrangement of lighting and parking areas, and other reasonable requirements deemed necessary to safeguard the general community interest and welfare, may be invoked by the board of supervisors with a recommendation from the planning commission as requisites to the granting of a conditional use.


    Garden center. .....A garden center shall comply with the following:


    All buildings and outdoor storage areas shall be at least fifty (50) feet from any property line, except:


    Plant materials may be stored or displayed in the front yard no closer than thirty-five (35) [feet] from a street. The display of equipment, tools or bagged and bulk materials in the front yard shall be prohibited.


    All materials stored on site that produce odors or attract pests or other vermin shall be effectively covered or otherwise managed to effectively eliminate any nuisance of such storage.


    The outdoor storage of garden tools, bulk or bag materials, and similar items shall only be allowed within a fully screened storage area.


    Gasoline station.


    The following shall be required for all gasoline station uses:


    In addition to the buffer zone planting requirements of article VIII, screening with a solid, durable wall or a substantial, solid fence, not less than six (6) feet in height shall be provided in the buffer zone. Required buffer zone plantings shall be located between the solid screen and the adjacent properties. Such additional screening may be waived by the board of supervisors when the natural terrain or existing vegetation provides an effective buffer.


    Signs, product displays, parked vehicles, and other obstructions that would adversely affect visibility at any intersection or driveway shall be prohibited.


    Lighting, including permitted illuminated signs, shall be arranged so as not to reflect or cause glare in any residential zone or upon the adjacent roadway. See article XI.


    Gasoline pumps or other service appliances shall be located on the lot at least ten (10) feet behind the building line, and all service, storage, or similar activities in connection with such use shall be conducted entirely within the building.


    There shall be at least twenty (20) feet between driveways on each street and all driveways shall be perpendicular to the curb or street line.


    Light motor vehicle repair work may be done at a motor vehicle fuel and service station, provided that no major repairs, spray paint operation, or body or fender repair are permitted.


    Motor vehicles shall not be parked so as to overhang the public right-of-way.


    A motor vehicle storage lot containing no more than three thousand five hundred (3,500) square feet may be permitted for use in connection with a towing operation. Such storage shall be screened from public view as specified in article VIII, and shall not be for the storage of inoperable, unlicensed, or unregistered motor vehicles.


    When such use occupies a corner lot, the location of egress and ingress driveways shall be in compliance with any and all applicable standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation. Such driveways shall not exceed the applicable commercial entrance standards or requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation.


    The canopy of a gasoline station shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height measured from the bottom of the canopy to the paved surface of the fueling lane, shall have a double-pitched roof of no less than 5:12, and shall be architecturally integrated with the principle building.


    The canopy shall utilize the same architectural elements and building materials as the principle building.


    In the event that a gas station is vacant for a period greater than eighteen (18) months, the county shall require the owner of record to provide suitable financial surety in an amount sufficient to remove and dispose of any underground tanks plus ten percent (10%). Absent such surety, the county may remove any such tanks and place a lien on the property including all administration costs.


    Golf course/driving range. .....Golf courses, including golf driving ranges, shall comply with the following regulations:


    The incidental provision of food, refreshments, and entertainment for patrons and their guests may be allowed in connection with such use, provided they do not draw an excessive amount of traffic through local residential streets, and that their provision is subordinate to the principal use.


    All outdoor lighting shall be located, shielded, landscaped, or otherwise buffered so that no direct light shall constitute an intrusion into any residential area or adjacent streets.


    If adjacent to single-family residential use all buildings and parking shall meet a minimum setback of one hundred (100) feet from the property line.


    Adequate netting, screening, or other similar devices shall be installed around the golf ball landing area to ensure golf balls don't land beyond the subject property lines or negatively impact any adjoining structures. The zoning administrator shall determine the adequacy of the system used to keep golf balls within the golf ball landing area.


    Kennel, commercial.


    General standards:


    Animal waste shall be disposed of in a manner applicable to all federal, state and local laws and regulations.


    Crematoria or land burial of animals in association with a commercial kennel shall be prohibited.


    Additional standards in the RAC district:


    The minimum area required for a commercial kennel shall be two (2) acres.


    All facilities associated directly with the commercial kennel, whether indoors or outdoors, shall be located not less than fifty (50) feet from the nearest property line or two hundred (200) feet from the nearest residence on an adjoining lot, whichever is greater, and shall meet the screening zone requirements as specified in article VIII.


    The site shall front on and have direct access to a publicly owned and maintained street.


    Additional standards in the GC district:


    All outdoor runs, training areas and pens associated with a commercial kennel shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from any property line, and shall meet the screening zone requirements as specified in article VIII.


    Marina. .....Marinas in the RAC, RR, VC, and NC districts in existence as of the date of this ordinance may be expanded or enlarged without a conditional use permit provided that all other site plan requirements are met.


    Miniwarehouse. .....A miniwarehouse may be permitted consistent with the zoning district(s) regulation(s), provided:


    The minimum lot size shall be three (3) acres.


    All storage spaces shall be contained in individual enclosed stalls containing no more than four hundred (400) square feet each and no greater than ten (10) feet in height.


    The following uses shall be prohibited:


    Auctions by tenants, commercial wholesale or retail sales, or miscellaneous or garage sales.


    The servicing, repair or fabrication of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, lawn mowers, appliances or other similar equipment.


    The operation of power tools, spray-painting equipment, table saws, lathes, compressors, welding equipment, kilns, or other similar equipment.


    The establishment of a transfer and storage business.


    The storage or transfer of toxic, flammable, or otherwise hazardous chemicals or similar substances, highly combustible, explosive or hazardous materials regulated by local, state, or federal law.


    Residential uses (other than a resident manager's apartment).


    Outdoor storage areas shall be used for the storage of motor vehicles, trailers, and recreational vehicles only and shall meet the screening zone requirements of article VIII.


    When adjoining properties are used or zoned for residential purposes:


    Non-street-facing property lines shall be improved with a solid, vinyl or wooden fence, or masonry wall along the entire length (except for approved access crossings) a minimum of six (6) feet in height, installed in addition to, and to the interior of, the required buffer zone plantings specified in article VIII.


    In addition to the required frontage zone plantings specified in article VIII, street-facing property lines shall require a wooden fence or masonry wall along the entire length (except for approved access crossings) a minimum of six (6) feet in height. Said improvements are to be located outside any public right-of-way and interior to any required setback or frontage zone landscaping.


    No security fencing, security gate or other obstruction to vehicle access shall be permitted in the required front yard setback or in any required buffer yard.


    All interior driveways shall be at least twenty-six (26) feet wide when cubicles open onto one (1) side only and at least thirty (30) feet wide when cubicles open onto both sides to accommodate loading and unloading at individual cubicles. Adequate turning radiuses shall be provided, where appropriate, for a thirty-foot-long single unit truck or moving van.


    Micro-brewery, distillery, cidery. .....General standards:


    Activities related to the brewing/distilling process not within an enclosed building shall meet the requirements of the screening zone as set forth in article VIII.


    Tasting rooms, restaurants, retail space, and other uses shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the floor area of the establishment.


    Motor vehicle dealership, new.


    General standards:


    Outdoor display areas in conjunction with automobile sales shall be constructed of the same materials required for off-street parking areas.


    The storage and/or display of motor vehicles in the required frontage zone, buffer, or planting strip along a right-of-way shall be prohibited.


    Exterior display or storage of new or used automobile parts is prohibited.


    All repair services shall take place within an enclosed structure.


    Body and fender repair services are permitted provided:


    The area devoted to such services does not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the floor area.


    The repair facilities are at least one hundred fifty (150) feet from any adjoining residential district.


    Any spray painting takes place within a structure designed for that purpose and approved by the department of building inspections.


    Any vehicle awaiting body repair or painting, or is missing major mechanical or body parts, or has been substantially damaged shall be placed in a storage yard. The storage yard shall be fully screened from public view and shall be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from any adjoining residential district, in addition to meeting the landscaping zone requirements of article VIII.


    Motor vehicle dealership/used. .....General standards:


    Outdoor display areas in conjunction with automobile sales shall be constructed of the same materials required for off-street parking areas.


    The storage and/or display of motor vehicles in the required frontage zone, buffer, or planting strip along a right-of-way shall be prohibited.


    Exterior display or storage of new or used automobile parts is prohibited.


    All repair services shall take place within an enclosed structure.


    Any vehicle which is missing major mechanical or body parts or has been substantially damaged shall be placed in a storage yard. The storage yard shall be fully screened from public view and shall be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from any adjoining residential district, in addition to meeting the landscaping zone requirements of article VIII.


    Motor vehicle parts/supply, retail. .....General standards:


    Exterior display or storage of new or used automobile parts is prohibited.


    Equipment and vehicles stored overnight on the premises shall be behind the front building line or at least thirty-five (35) feet from the public right-of-way, whichever is greater.


    Motor vehicle/rental. .....General standards:


    Unless otherwise permitted and approved, the conducting of any major repairs, spray paint operation, body or fender repair, or sale of gas shall be prohibited, except that not more than one (1) gasoline pump shall be permitted, but only for the fueling of rental vehicles.


    Vehicles shall be stored or parked in areas constructed of the same materials required for off-street parking areas, and meeting the landscaping requirements for parking zones.


    When such a use abuts a residential zone or civic use, the use shall be screened by a solid vinyl or wooden fence, or masonry wall not less than six (6) feet in height.


    Signs, product displays, parked vehicles, and other obstructions that would adversely affect visibility at any intersection or driveway shall be prohibited.


    Lighting, including permanent illuminated signs, shall be arranged so as not to reflect or to cause glare into any residential zone.


    Motor vehicle repair service/major. .....General standards:


    All vehicles stored on the premises in excess of seventy-two (72) hours shall be placed in a storage yard. The storage yard shall be fully screened from public view and shall be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from any adjoining residential district, in addition to meeting the landscaping zone requirements of article VIII.


    Body and fender repair services shall be subject to the following:


    The repair facilities are at least one hundred fifty (150) feet from any adjoining residential district.


    Any spray painting takes place within a structure designed for that purpose and approved by the department of building inspections.


    Any vehicle awaiting body repair or painting, or is missing major mechanical or body parts, or has been substantially damaged shall be placed in a storage yard. The storage yard shall be fully screened from public view and shall be set back at least one hundred (100) feet from any adjoining residential district, in addition to meeting the landscaping zone requirements of article VIII.


    Exterior display or storage of new or used automobile parts is prohibited.


    Direct access to the property shall be provided from a publicly owned and maintained road, and use of a private road in conducting this business, other than a driveway for sole use of the owner/occupant of the property, shall be prohibited.


    Motor vehicle repair service/minor. .....General standards:


    Exterior display or storage of new or used automobile parts is prohibited.


    Equipment and vehicles stored overnight on the premises shall be behind the front building line or at least thirty-five (35) feet from the public right-of-way, whichever is greater.


    Restaurant, drive-in [fast food]. .....General standards.


    Such restaurants shall comply with the requirements for drive-through facilities contained in subsection 5-1004.D, accessory uses, and section 10-1013, stacking spaces and drive through facilities.


    Taxidermy. .....General standards:


    Proper permitting and record retention shall be required through the commonwealth for stuffing and mounting birds and animals for compensation or for sale, as provided for in Title 29.1.


    Proper disposal of waste material to prevent potential disease transmission is required by the following means, and without undue delay:


    Incinerating organic waste material in an approved incinerator, not by open burning, even in a pit.


    Placing organic waste material in a legal landfill using a covered leak-proof container for transport.


    Use of animal remains for hunting and/or as an animal food source shall be prohibited. (7-7-05; Ord. No. 2012-1 0-C, 10-18-12; 9-18-14; 11-17-16; 7-19-18; 11-15-18.)