§ 6-1002. Purpose.
The purpose for establishing these provisions is to protect the aesthetic and visual character of lands in Isle of Wight County adjacent to major existing and proposed highway corridors, as defined herein, and to provide for and promote their orderly development. The overlay district regulations are intended to supplement the regulations of the underlying zoning districts and to provide for compatibility of development along the identified corridors. All development proposed within this district shall be subject to the procedures, standards, and guidelines specified in the following sections, in addition to those standards pertaining to the particular base zoning district in which the development occurs. In particular, the purpose of the highway corridor overlay district is to:
Encourage and better articulate positive visual experiences along the county's major existing and proposed highway corridors;
Provide for the continued safe and efficient use of these highway corridors;
Maintain natural beauty and scenic, cultural, and historic character of these corridors, particularly distinctive views, vistas, and visual continuity;
Protect existing natural vegetation and wildlife habitats along these corridors;
Discourage indiscriminate clearing, excessive grading, and clear cutting along these corridors;
Minimize cut and fill operations by placing emphasis on the retention of natural topography of these corridors; and
Minimize intersections and individual site access points along these corridors.
The zoning administrator shall evaluate all proposed development activities within the highway corridor overlay district, which will include a review of the location, character and appearance of new development in the district. It is the purpose of such review to determine, in a cooperative fashion with the applicant, whether a proposed development plan meets the guidelines and other standards of this district. (7-7-05; 7-19-18.)