§ 6-1005. Exemptions to the highway corridor overlay district requirements.
Single-family dwellings. .....The construction of detached single-family dwellings on individual lots or parcels within the highway corridor overlay district which are not located within a residential subdivision are exempt from this section. For the purpose of this section, a subdivision shall consist of a minimum of five (5) lots all platted at the same time. Also, construction of detached single-family dwellings on lots or parcels within a residential subdivision are exempt if the subdivision plat was legally recorded prior to adoption of this section.
Agricultural structures. .....The construction of bona fide agricultural structures required for on-premises farming operations involving the cultivation of crops or the raising and keeping of livestock and the preparation of land for cultivation of crops are exempt from this section.
Forestry operations. .....Timbering or silvicultural activities is permitted upon any lot, parcel, or tract of land located within the district except that clear-cutting in any district other than lands zoned RAC, shall not occur within at least fifty (50) feet from any of the arterial rights-of-way as designated in section 6-1003.
Nonconforming sites developed or platted prior to November 5, 1992. .....Exemptions, whether partial or total, from highway corridor overlay district site design provisions may be granted by the board of supervisions following a recommendation by the planning commission if it can be sufficiently demonstrated that such requirements will create an undue hardship upon an existing situation. In such cases, the board of supervisors may require the establishment of shared parking and access easements between adjacent nonconforming properties or other consistent provisions to accomplish the purpose and intent of the district.
A one-time exemption may be granted by the zoning administrator for the expansion of an existing developed property to enlarge the total square footage of the principle building by not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total floor area; however, in no case shall such an expansion exceed twenty-five hundred (2,500) square feet. Any subsequent future expansion of floor area will require compliance with the standards of this district.
A one-time exemption may be granted by the zoning administrator for a single accessory building of no greater than five hundred (500) square feet. Any subsequent future expansion of floor area will require compliance with the standards of this district. (7-7-05; 8-20-09; Ord. No. 2012-8-C, 8-16-12, 3-20-14; 7-19-18.)