§ 6-2009. Development standards.
Proposed development within the district shall provide for visual compatibility and harmony with surrounding natural land forms and vegetation; be protective of views and vistas from arterial highways within the district; and provide continuity of site design within the proposed development. These objectives include the following standards:
Earth moving, fill, grading, clearing of property, and the removal of trees and vegetation shall be the minimum necessary to provide for the use. In particular, activities that could cause disruption of natural watercourses or disfiguration of natural land forms are prohibited.
Proposed development shall be located and configured in a visually harmonious manner with the terrain and vegetation of the parcel and surrounding parcels. Structures shall not impede scenic views from the highway or from existing structures and the natural environment.
Structures shall not dominate, by excessive or inappropriate height or mass, any general development, adjacent building, or natural landscape in an incompatible manner.
Lighting shall be installed in accordance with article XI and shall be arranged to shine inward so that it does not reflect onto adjacent properties or impair the safe movement of traffic.
All vehicular movement and parking areas shall be paved with concrete, asphalt, or other similar material.
Parking shall be designed in accordance with one (1) of the following options:
When all of the parking is located to the side or rear of the primary structure; the front setback may be reduced by up to twenty (20) feet subject to review and approval by the zoning administrator.
When more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the required parking is to be located in front of the primary structure; a decorative fence no less than three (3) feet in height shall be constructed between the parking and the public right-of-way. This fence shall not count towards the required landscaping points for any specified landscaping zone.
Concrete curb and gutter or other stormwater management structures as approved by the zoning administrator shall be installed around the perimeter of all driveways and parking areas. Drainage shall be designed so as not to interfere with pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
To the greatest extent possible; stormwater management structures and facilities shall be placed outside of the landscaping zones identified in article VIII. When placement of stormwater management structures and facilities in a landscaping zone is demonstrated as unavoidable by the applicant, and approved by the zoning administrator and is not prohibited elsewhere in this ordinance, such structure or facility shall be landscaped in a naturalized pattern utilizing native species and the landscaping points required for the area encompassed by the stormwater management structure or facility shall be disbursed throughout the remaining area of the landscaping zone.
Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into site design to maximize public safety through effective design of buildings, parking lots and public spaces. Principles include territoriality, surveillance, and access control.
A shopping center, office complex or similar group of buildings shall be arranged in such a manner to minimize the impact of vehicle parking areas along the arterial with buildings fronting the arterial, and parking being located in the center of the development away from the roadway.
Community and public spaces.
Each nonresidential establishment subject to these standards shall contribute to the establishment or enhancement of community and public spaces by providing at least two (2) of the following within the development:
Patio/seating area;
Pedestrian plaza with benches;
Open pace (this is not calculated in open space ratio required for the lot);
Kiosk/public message board area;
Water feature;
Sculpture or public art; or
Other such amenities, as may be determined by the zoning administrator, that creates such community and public spaces.
Any such areas shall have direct access to the public sidewalk network and such features shall not be constructed of materials that are inferior to the principal buildings and site design.
Connecting uses.
Pedestrian pathways and bicycle pathways shall be provided connecting buildings within a development including outparcels and to adjacent developments and neighborhoods.
Integrated and consistent site design shall be provided between outparcel buildings and main buildings within a development including landscape amenities and architectural design.
Site development shall include streetscape improvements. These improvements are considered as those architectural or functional facilities or structures that occur on-site but are not part of the building and that encourage and facilitate human interaction with the built environment.
Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: decorative light fixtures, fountains, sculptures, benches and tables, planters, retaining walls, pedestrian and bicycle paths, bicycle parking structures, trash receptacles and enclosures, a designated vending machine area, and fencing. The following streetscape improvements are required:
A customized entrance at the entry street intersecting the arterial or collector which features a waterfall, sculpture, monument, special landscaping, specialty pavement, enhanced fence wall details, or boulevard median.
These improvements shall be designed to be consistent with all requirements listed above, and shall be reviewed for function and compatibility with district character.
Sidewalks, no less than eight (8) feet in width, shall be provided along the full length of the building along any facade featuring a customer entrance, and along any facade abutting public parking areas. Sidewalks shall provide weather protection features such as awnings or arcades within ten (10) feet of all customer entrances, parallel to the building and at least six (6) feet deep over the sidewalk.
Pedestrian and bike pathways.
The purpose of this system is to provide for non-vehicular traffic along major corridors and between major destinations, with emphasis on connecting residential areas to schools, recreation areas, and activity centers.
Pedestrian and bike pathways shall include the following:
Provide connections for, within, and between developments for pedestrian and bike traffic.
Provide facilities to store or lock bicycles at appropriate sties. Including, but not limited to, schools, recreation areas, office parks, public institutions, and activity center focuses.
Develop the proposed bike pathway system in a manner that links to existing and proposed neighborhoods, park lands, conservation areas, scenic landscapes and historic/cultural sites in accordance with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan.
Pedestrian walkways for shopping centers and retail establishments with a square footage greater than twenty-five thousand (25,000).
Continuous internal pedestrian walkways, no less than eight (8) feet in width, shall be provided from the public sidewalk or right-of-way to the principal customer entrance of all principal buildings on the site. At a minimum, walkways shall connect focal points of pedestrian activity such as, but not limited to, transit stops, street crossings, building and store entry points, and shall feature adjoining landscaped areas that include trees, shrubs, beds, ground covers, or other such materials for no less than fifty percent (50%) of its length.
Crosswalks at busy intersections, between major pedestrian destinations, between shopping centers and their parking, shall employ techniques to signal a pedestrian zone both to the motor vehicle and the pedestrian. These techniques include:
Crosswalks that are slightly raised;
The use of durable, low maintenance surface materials such as pavers, brick, or scored concrete to enhance pedestrian safety and comfort that are distinguishable from driving surfaces; and
Bulb-out corners that reduce the length of the crosswalk for the pedestrian.
Mechanical equipment, including, but not limited to, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment, duct work, air compressors, utility meters, aboveground tanks, satellite dishes, antennas, whether ground-level or rooftop, shall be shielded and screened from view of adjacent properties and public rights-of-way and designed to be perceived as an integral part of the building. Screening can most often be accomplished through increased parapet height or mansard roof parapet design.
Ground-level equipment immediately adjacent to the building should be screened with walls matching the building.
Areas for delivery area doors, open bays or truck parking shall not be visible from abutting streets.
Outdoor storage shall be a permitted by the underlying zoning district in the side and rear yards only, provided that all outdoor storage areas shall be visually screened from public rights-of-way, internal roadway, and adjacent property. Outdoor storage shall include the parking of all commercial vehicles.
No areas for outdoor storage, trash collection or compaction, shall be located within twenty (20) feet of any public street, public sidewalk, or internal pedestrian way. They shall be screened from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way by a masonry wall designed to be compatible with the principal building that it serves. If the waste storage area is more than one hundred (100) feet away from the property line, it may be screened by a masonry wall, dense evergreen planting or architectural feature.
Loading areas shall be completely screened from view with berms, buildings, and/or durable architectural walls to match the building in which it serves. Loading areas shall be permitted only in the side and rear yards and shall be visually screened from pubic rights-of-way, and adjacent property, except that suitable provisions for access to loading areas may be allowed.
[Signs.] Signs are permitted in accordance with article IX. (7-7-05; 2-13-07, 3-20-14; 12-18-14; 7-19-18; 7-18-19.)