§ 6-3008. Guidelines for review of applications for new construction, alteration, renovation, and demolition within designated historic districts.
The historic architectural review committee shall review and decide on all applications for new construction, alterations, renovations and demolitions within historic districts in accordance with the following criteria:
Exterior architectural features, including signs;
General design, scale and arrangement;
Texture, material and color;
Relation of above factors to buildings or structure in the immediate surroundings;
Extent to which the historic or architectural value and significance of the building or structure and its relationship to the historic or architectural value would preserve or protect historic site, buildings, structures or area;
Extent to which preservation and protection would promote the general welfare of the county;
Compatibility of planned improvements and renovations with the architectural and historic quality, character and scale of a historic building or structure;
Effect of the building, structure or place on the comprehensive plan's goals for tourism, economic development and residential land uses in and around the historic district, landmark, building, structure or site;
Compatibility of the proposed building, structure or site with the goals for historic preservation as contained in the comprehensive plan. (7-7-05; 7-17-14; 7-19-18.)