§ 7-2005. Preliminary site development plan requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Acceptable scales:

    One (1) inch equals ten (10) feet;

    One (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet;

    One (1) inch equals thirty (30) feet;

    One (1) inch equals forty (40) feet;

    One (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet;

    One (1) inch equals sixty (60) feet; or

    One (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet.


    The preliminary site development plan shall be accompanied by:


    A copy of the written site analysis in accordance with article VII;


    A survey of the property;


    A landscape plan in accordance with article VIII;


    A lighting plan;


    A topographic map in accordance with [subsection] C.9., below;


    Building renderings; and


    A signage plan for freestanding signs.


    The preliminary site development plan shall contain the following information:


    Applicant's name, address, legal interest in the property; where the applicant is different from the owner(s) of the property, the name and address of the owner(s) shall be included with a statement describing the relationship between the applicant and the owner(s);


    A vicinity map at a scale no less than one (1) inch equals one thousand (1,000) feet with such information as names and numbers of adjoining roads, railroads, streams, and bodies of water, subdivisions, or other landmarks sufficient to clearly identify the location of the property;


    A north arrow, scale, date, and the name of the engineer, architect, designer, or landscape architect;


    Tax map/parcel number and zoning classification of the site, the address of any existing structures on the site, the present use of the subject property, and the proposed title of the project;


    Tax map/parcel number, zoning classification and present use of properties immediately adjacent to the site;


    Property boundary lines, dimensions, existing and proposed easements and utilities, floodplain, existing topography such as natural features and wooded areas, drainage patterns and existing and proposed stormwater facilities, existing and proposed water and sewer facilities, existing rights-of-way of adjacent roads to include their names, numbers and widths, any proposed new rights-of-way including their widths and proposed names, the distance to existing intersections located within five hundred (500) feet of the property, watercourses by name, classification, high, low and mean water lines, any bulkheads, piers or other significant features, resource protection areas and one hundred-foot buffers;


    Representation of the proposed use, with the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed improvements, including: limits of clearing; buildings (maximum footprint, height, and finished floor elevation) and other structures; setbacks; landscaping; buffers; walkways; fences; walls; trash containers; outdoor storage areas; outdoor lighting; signs; landscaped areas, open space, common areas or areas reserved for public use, including historical or architecturally significant sites; recreational areas and facilities; parking, vehicle movement and other paved areas, parking space size, dimensions, and angles, aisles and aisle widths, loading and service areas; fire hydrants; best management practices; and erosion and sediment control measures required in accordance with the most recent edition of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook;


    Profile and/or detail sections for road construction, parking and vehicle movement areas, curbing, walkways, water and sewer facilities, fire hydrants, best management practices, stormwater facility improvements, erosion and sediment control measures, signs, walls, and fences, including all material types;


    Topographic map with a maximum of two-foot contour intervals, showing the location of environmentally sensitive lands, such as wetlands, watercourses and other natural features, mitigation areas, notable soil groups and wooded areas. Where existing ground is on a slope of less than two percent (2%), either one-foot contours or spot elevations where necessary, but not more than fifty (50) feet apart in both directions; and


    Written schedules or data as necessary to demonstrate that the site can accommodate the proposed use, including:


    Proposed uses and maximum acreage occupied each use;


    For residential developments, maximum number of dwelling units by type and gross residential density;


    Building lot coverage calculations;


    Impervious surface calculations;


    Open space ratio calculations;


    Landscaping points and landscaping surface ratio calculations;


    Recreation ratio calculations;


    Maintenance and ownership of common areas, open space, landscaped and recreational areas;


    Parking data, including the minimum and maximum amount of spaces required and provided, and the angles and dimensions of the spaces;


    For commercial and industrial developments, maximum square footage for commercial and industrial uses, maximum number of employees and maximum lot coverage;


    Type of power to be used for any manufacturing processes;


    The type of solid or liquid wastes or by-products that will be generated by any manufacturing processes; and


    Development schedule for phased development.


    Any other information deemed appropriate or necessary by the zoning administrator to establish compliance with this or any other ordinances. (7-7-05; Ord. No. 2011-21-C, 11-17-11; 7-19-18.)