Isle of Wight County |
Code of Ordinances |
Appendix B. ZONING.* |
Article VIII. Landscaping and Screening Standards. |
§ 8-1003. Landscaping and screening requirements and design guidelines.
Overall site design. .....The following overall site layout and design standards shall apply to all landscaping plans:
Landscaping design and planning are to be integrated within the overall site design.
Natural appearing landscape forms are strongly encouraged. Straight rows of plantings are discouraged and trees, shrubs, flower beds, and other material types shall be interspersed with one another.
Landscape materials and designs are to be appropriate for the specific characteristics of the site.
Native plants, as identified by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), and materials indigenous to the region are desirable and are encouraged, particularly because of their adaptation to local climate, disease resistance, soils, hydrology, and adverse weather conditions.
Invasive species, as identified by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), shall be prohibited.
Landscape plantings located within the sight triangle of roadway or driveway intersection hall conform to Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) guidelines for height.
Landscaped areas shall require protection from vehicular encroachment by such means as, but not limited to, wheel stops, concrete or bituminous curbs, or decorative walls or fencing.
No more than fifty percent (50%) of the required trees or shrubs in a single landscaping zone shall be of a single species. This subsection shall not apply to existing trees preserved on the site or to single-family residential lots which are regulated by subsection 8-1005.F.
Existing and viable trees and areas of significant vegetation are to be preserved and protected, in accordance with section 8-1009. Existing shrubs and trees which are suitable for use in required landscaping zones shall be preserved and used to the maximum extent practicable. In no case shall any viable, mature, heritage, or significant tree eight (8) inches or more in diameter measured at breast height (four and one-half (4½)) feet from ground level) be removed from any landscaping zone except to accommodate necessary entrances, utility easements, or where such preservation would create or perpetuate demonstrable hazards to public health, safety, or welfare, subject to the approval of such removal by the zoning administrator.
Areas in which trees are preserved shall remain at original grade level and undisturbed wherever possible. Trees and vegetation which are to be preserved shall be clearly marked in the field.
Decorative walls, fences, berms and/or other earthforms may be integrated into any landscaping program subject to setback and sight triangle requirements, and the materials and construction standards in section 8-1009.
Where sidewalks, or other pedestrian, bike, and/or equestrian trails are proposed in the landscaped area, such paths shall be meandering, if necessary, in order to preserve the existing trees.
To the greatest extent possible, stormwater management structures and facilities shall be placed outside of the landscaping zones identified in this article. When placement of stormwater management structures and facilities in a landscaping zone is demonstrated as unavoidable by the applicant, and is not prohibited elsewhere in this ordinance, such structure or facility shall be landscaped in a naturalized pattern utilizing native species and the landscaping point required for the area encompassed by the stormwater management structure or facility shall be disbursed throughout the remaining area of the landscaping zone. The zoning administrator may allow points to be distributed to areas immediately adjacent to the landscaping zone affected in order to allow for a more naturalized appearance and prevent overplanting within the remaining landscaping zone area.
Landscaping points. .....All plants, fences, walls, berms, or other landscaping elements in a development plan are assigned a landscaping points value in table 8-1004. Each applicable landscaping zone, as defined in section 8-1005, on a development plan has a required landscaping points value and required design guidelines which must be met by the landscaping plan.
All landscaping plans are required to have at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the total landscaping points for the site as evergreen species.
In addition to the points required for each landscaping zone, all multifamily, civic, commercial, industrial, and miscellaneous uses are required to achieve a minimum fifteen percent (15%) landscape surface ratio (LSR) for the total project site.
Plantings within the frontage zone, buffer zone, parking zone, foundation zone, and screening zone may be included as landscape area in the LSR calculation.
Undisturbed, delineated wetlands and riparian buffers may be included as landscape area in the LSR calculation. (7-7-05; Ord. No. 2013-7-C, 5-16-13; 12-18-14; 4-21-16; 7-19-18.)