Environmental Practice
Points Credit Value
Applicable Zone
Additional Requirements
Tree preservation
90 points per tree over 8" caliper.
Tree-save areas, tree preservation groupings, or undisturbed, delineated wetland and
riparian areas will be evaluated and may be assigned a credit value by the zoning
administrator on a case-by-case basis.
Buffer, frontage, parking, foundation, screening
Single-family residential—Whole site
Credit must be applied in the zone the trees are located in, except that trees which
do not fall into a particular zone may be applied to the buffer zone requirement with
approval of the zoning administrator.
Parking reduction
10 points per space below the minimum required in the zoning ordinance.
Parking reduction must be approved by the zoning administrator before credit is applicable.
Reduction requests are considered on a case-by-case basis during site plan review.
Permeable material
8 points per 162 square feet
Parking, foundation, frontage
Credits must be applied to the zone which the permeable material is located in.
No credits may be accumulated for permeable surfaces outside of a landscaping zone,
except as otherwise specified in article VIII.
Credits for surfaces which are located within a landscaping zone and extend out of
a landscaping zone (such as walkways between a building and a parking lot) may be
applied to the foundation zone only.
Maintenance specifications for the technology used shall be included in any required
site plans, environmental management plans, and in the BMP maintenance agreement for
the site.
100% native plants
As identified by Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
10% reduction in total points
Parking, foundation, frontage, buffer, screening.
Single-family residential—Whole site
Credit must be applied to the zone which the native species are planted in.
Green roof
Each 1 square foot of green roof equals 1 point reduction in the zone of choice.
Foundation, buffer, frontage
10% reduction in total points
Parking, foundation, buffer, frontage, screening
Credit must be applied to the zone in which the xeriscaping is installed.
Not applicable to single-family residential.
Green technology and intelligent siting
Solar orientation
10% reduction in points
Whole site total points—single-family residential only
Seasonal shading
10% reduction in points
Single-family residential—Whole site
Solar/geothermal power generation, heating, and/or cooling
20% reduction in points
Single-family residential—Whole site
Innovative stormwater management (rain gardens, low impact development, graywater
10% reduction in points
Foundation, parking, buffer, frontage, screening.
Single-family residential—Whole site
Credit must be applied in the zone in which the facility is located.
Standard detention/retention ponds (with or without fountains) and drainage ditches
and swales (with or without vegetation) will not qualify for this credit.
Maintenance specifications for the technology used shall be included in any required
site plans, environmental management plans, and in the BMP maintenance agreement for
the site.
U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Certification
(LEED Rating)
Certified rating
5% reduction in buffer zone, PLUS 5% reduction in foundation zone, PLUS 5% reduction
in parking zone points
Buffer, foundation, parking
Silver rating
10% reduction in buffer zone, PLUS 10% reduction in foundation zone, PLUS 5% reduction
in parking zone points
Buffer, foundation, parking
Gold rating
15% reduction in buffer zone, PLUS 15% reduction in foundation zone, PLUS 10% reduction
in parking zone points
Buffer, foundation, parking
Platinum rating
20% reduction in buffer zone, PLUS 20% reduction in foundation zone, PLUS 10% reduction
in parking zone points
Buffer, foundation, parking
Earthcraft Certified Construction
15% reduction in total site points
Whole site total points
Single-family residential only