Whenever any person is arrested for a violation of any provision of this article,
the arresting officer shall take the name and address of such person and the license
number of his motor vehicle and issue a summons or otherwise notify such person in
writing to appear at a time and place to be specified in such summons or notice, such
time to be at least five days after such arrest unless the person arrested shall demand
an earlier hearing. Such arresting officer shall thereupon and upon the giving by
such person of his written promise to appear at such time and place forthwith release
him from custody. Any person refusing to give such written promise to appear shall
be taken immediately by the arresting officer before an officer authorized to issue
criminal warrants and admit to bail in the county. Such authorized officer, if he
has reasonable grounds upon which to believe that the person arrested has violated
any of the provisions of this article, shall issue a warrant for such violation. The
person arrested shall be released if no warrant is issued or upon entering into a
recognizance with surety or giving his personal recognizance and depositing, or causing
to be deposited, in cash the amount of bail required to be furnished with such judicial
officer. Such judicial officer shall give an official receipt for funds so deposited.
(1-4-68, § 14; 9-21-06; 4-19-07; 9-21-17.)