This article is intended to ensure laws and regulations governing the land application
of biosolids are properly implemented and enforced, and to secure and promote the
health, safety and welfare of the county's citizens; to deter the creation of a public
nuisance and to prevent pollution of the waters and soils of the county related to
land application of biosolids. In carrying out this article, the county will test
and monitor the application of biosolids to agricultural land within its boundaries
as authorized by the Code of Virginia and applicable regulations. This authority is
granted to local governments by Code of Virginia sections 62.1-44.19:3 and 32.1-164.5
et seq., to provide for the testing, monitoring and enforcement of land application
of biosolids within the political boundaries of the county and to ensure compliance
with applicable laws and regulations. This article is not intended to regulate the
land application of animal wastes or manures or exceptional quality biosolids. (5-21-09.)