Isle of Wight County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article XV. Use of Public Sewer System. |
§ 14-94. Definitions.
Brown grease\ shall mean floatable fats, oils, grease and settled solids produced during food preparation that are recovered from grease control devices.
Enforcement response plan\ shall mean a system that sets forth the process and procedures for enforcement of this section by the County of Isle of Wight.
Fats, oils, and grease (FOG)\ shall mean material, either liquid or solid, composed of fats, oil or grease from animal or vegetable sources. Examples of FOG include, but are not limited to, kitchen cooking grease, vegetable oil, bacon grease and organic polar compounds derived from animal and/or plant sources that contain multiple carbon triglyceride molecules. These substances are detectable and measurable using analytical test procedures established in the United States Code of Federal Regulations at 40 CFR Part 136, as may be amended from time-to-time. FOG may be referred to herein as "grease" or "greases".
Food service establishment (FSE)\ shall mean any commercial, industrial, institutional, or food processing facility discharging kitchen wastewaters or food preparation wastewaters including, but not limited to, restaurants, commercial kitchens, caterers, motels, hotels, correctional facilities, prisons or jails, cafeterias, care institutions, hospitals, schools, bars and churches. Any establishment engaged in preparing, serving or otherwise making food available for consumption by the public shall be included. Such establishments use one or more of the following preparation activities: cooking by frying (all methods), baking (all methods), grilling, sautéing, rotisserie cooking, broiling, boiling, blanching, roasting, toasting, or poaching. Also included are infrared heating, searing, barbequing, and other food preparation activity that produces a hot, nondrinkable food product in or on a receptacle that requires washing.
Grease control device (GCD)\ shall mean a device used to collect, contain, or remove food waste and grease from the wastewater while allowing the remaining wastewater to be discharged to the county's sanitary sewer system by gravity. Devices include grease interceptors, grease traps, automatic grease removal devices or other devices approved by the director of utility services or his designee.
Grease hauler\ shall mean a collector who collects the contents of a grease interceptor or trap and transports it to an approved recycling or disposal facility. A grease hauler may also provide other services related to grease interceptor maintenance for a FSE.
Grease interceptor\ shall mean a structure or device, usually located underground and outside a FSE, designed to collect, separate and contain food waste and grease while allowing the wastewater to be discharged to the county's sanitary sewer system by gravity.
Grease removal device\ shall mean an active, automatic device that separates and removes FOG from effluent discharge and that cleans itself of accumulated FOG at least once every twenty-four hours utilizing an electromechanical apparatus.
Grease trap\ shall mean a device typically located indoors and under the sink or in the floor, designed for separating and containing grease prior to the wastewater exiting the trap and entering the sanitary sewer system. Such devices are typically passive (gravity fed) and compact with removable baffles.
Renderable FOG container\ shall mean a closed, leak-proof container for the collection and storage of yellow grease.
Yellow grease\ shall mean FOG used in food preparation that have not been in contact or contaminated with other sources such as water, wastewater or solid waste. An example of yellow grease is fryer oil, which can be recycled into products such as animal feed, cosmetics and alternative fuel. Yellow grease is also referred to as renderable FOG. (Ord. No. 2011-2-C, 1-6-11; 9-19-19.)