Editor's note
—An ordinance adopted Oct. 20, 2016 amended and reenacted ch. 4 in its entirety to read as herein set out.
As to fire protections generally, see ch. 7 of this Code. As to wetlands zoning, see ch. 17. As to subdivisions, see Appx. A. As to zoning generally, see Appx. B.
*Prior ordinance history: 4-3-69; 11-13-73; 1-10-74; 9-7-74; 5-3-79; 8-2-79; 11-19-90;
1-15-87; 6-16-88; 7-18-91; 12-18-97; 12-16-04; and 5-1-14; along with Ord. No. 2010-12-C,
adopted 7-15-10; and Ord. No. 2011-16-C, adopted 8-4-11.