Chapter 4. BUILDINGS.  

Article I. Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code.
Article II. Board of Appeals.
Article III. Violations and Penalties.
Article IV. Inspections.
Article V. Removal or Repair of Buildings.

Editor's note —An ordinance adopted Oct. 20, 2016 amended and reenacted ch. 4 in its entirety to read as herein set out.

As to fire protections generally, see ch. 7 of this Code. As to wetlands zoning, see ch. 17. As to subdivisions, see Appx. A. As to zoning generally, see Appx. B.

   *Prior ordinance history: 4-3-69; 11-13-73; 1-10-74; 9-7-74; 5-3-79; 8-2-79; 11-19-90; 1-15-87; 6-16-88; 7-18-91; 12-18-97; 12-16-04; and 5-1-14; along with Ord. No. 2010-12-C, adopted 7-15-10; and Ord. No. 2011-16-C, adopted 8-4-11.