§ 7-16. Permit requirements.
Within the DSDs, any person conducting burning for land clearing or construction purposes shall first obtain a permit from the county fire code official or his designee. No such permit shall be issued for such burning operations unless:
Burning is conducted at least seven hundred fifty feet from the nearest occupied dwelling;
Burning is conducted while using an open pit incinerator; and
Burning is conducted in an approved open burning pit by the fire official.
Application for any required permit shall be made to the county fire code official or his designee at least fourteen days prior to the burning, on forms prescribed by the fire code official. The fire code official shall establish procedures for issuance of permits and shall include in the permits restrictions and conditions determined by the fire code official to be necessary to assure control of the fire and to minimize the impact on air quality.
Permits shall be effective for a maximum period of ninety days from the date of issuance. (6-14-18.)