The purpose of this article is to preserve and protect private and public property,
indigenous plant materials, and property values from the damaging spread of running
bamboo grasses. It is the finding of Isle of Wight County that the planting or the
growing of running bamboo within Isle of Wight County has been and will continue to
be destructive to the natural environment and destructive to structures and walkways
on properties adjoining and neighboring those properties where running bamboo has
been planted or permitted to grow; and because of these effects, the planting or growing
of running bamboo threatens the value and physical integrity of both public and private
property in Isle of Wight County. Therefore, in order to protect and preserve said
environment and property values, it is the intent of Isle of Wight County to regulate
the planting or growing of running bamboo within Isle of Wight County. (6-14-18.)