§ 4-16007. Manufactured home subdivision standards.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    [Compliance required.] .....All manufactured home subdivision developments shall further comply with the requirements of the Isle of Wight County Subdivision Ordinance.


    Design compatibility. .....The design of the manufactured home subdivision development shall provide for compatibility between the use and development of the adjacent land and the manufactured home development to the maximum extent possible, either by locating doublewide manufactured homes adjacent to land for which the comprehensive plan recommends a single-family detached zone, or by location of open spaces and landscaping, or by such other methods as may be desirable or appropriate.


    Utilities—Water and sewage systems. .....Manufactured home subdivision developments shall be provided with central water and public sewerage systems constructed in accordance with standards and specifications for such systems and be approved by all appropriate agencies including the Isle of Wight County Department of Public Utilities and the Hampton Roads Sanitation District.


    Private streets. .....Private streets shall meet the design, material and construction standards established by the Virginia Department of Transportation. A maintenance plan shall be prepared and submitted as part of the site development plan approval process.


    Utility lines. .....All utility lines shall be installed below the surface of the ground.


    Lighting. .....Lighting shall be installed in accordance with article XI (outdoor lighting requirements and restrictions) and shall be arranged to shine inward so that it does not encroach onto adjacent properties or impair the safe movement of traffic.


    Screening. .....In addition to the single-family residential lot landscaping requirements of section 8-1005 and the buffer zone requirements of section 4-16005, screening shall be utilized around all service structures, equipment, and/or outdoor storage yards in accordance with the screening zone specifications of section 8-1005.


    Open space. .....A minimum of forty percent (40%) of the total area of the tract to be developed, excluding rights-of-way, must be established in open space.


    Recreational areas. .....Not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the open space shall be devoted to common recreational areas and facilities, such as playgrounds or community buildings. Where only one (1) recreational area is provided, it shall be in a central location conveniently accessible to all dwellings. In manufactured home subdivisions of fifteen (15) acres or larger, decentralized facilities may be provided. No recreation area shall be credited toward meeting these requirements unless it contains at least thirty thousand (30,000) square feet. Recreational facilities and areas shall be located, designed and improved so as to minimize traffic hazards to users and adverse effects on surrounding residential uses.


    Accessory uses and structures. .....Accessory uses and structures may be permitted as part of the manufactured home subdivision development. The following uses and structures are generally considered accessory or clearly incidental to the principal residential use:


    Storage buildings;


    Structures and facilities provided for the exclusive use of the residents of the manufactured home subdivision development (i.e., community centers, recreational areas, child care centers, etc.).


    Service buildings intended for public use and housing storage or sanitation and laundry facilities or any such facilities shall be permanent structures complying with all applicable ordinances and statutes regulating buildings, electrical installations and plumbing and sanitation systems. The service building shall be well lighted at all times of the day and night, shall be constructed of such moisture proof material, including painted woodwork, as shall permit repeated cleaning and washing and shall be maintained at a temperature of at least sixty-eight (68) degrees Fahrenheit during the period from October 1 to May 1. The floors of the service buildings shall be of water impervious material. All service buildings and grounds of the manufactured home subdivision development shall be maintained in a clean, sightly condition and kept free of any condition that will menace the health of any occupant or the public or constitute a nuisance.


    Management of common and open spaces in manufactured home subdivisions.


    All common and open spaces shall be preserved for their intended purpose as expressed on the approved subdivision plat.


    A management structure consisting of a nonprofit association, corporation, trust, or foundation for all owners of residential property within the development shall be established to insure the maintenance of open space and other facilities.


    The management structure shall be established prior to the sale of any property.


    Membership in the management structure shall be mandatory for all residential property owners, present or future, within the development.


    The management structure shall manage all common and open spaces, recreational and cultural facilities, and private streets, and shall provide for the maintenance, administration and operation of said land and improvements, and secure adequate liability insurance on the land. (11-17-16; 7-19-18; 11-15-18.)